How It Works

Event Organizer Sponsors
Looking for a sponsorship with Sponsor Spot is easy, you can have your event publish and visible to active Sponsors within minutes!
Sign up, Create Event, Publish and Let Sponsors find you OR Let us help you connect with Sponsors.

Sign up

Create an Event Organizers profile which helps us help you connect with the right Sponsors.

Create an Event

Create an Event so the Sponsors can find your Events and help you accomplish your goals.

Search for Sponsors

Search for Sponsors using our filter based search function. The filers will help you quickly find the right sponsors for your event without any hassle.

Notify Sponsors

Notify Sponsor that you are interested in receiving sponsorship from them for your event using our built in Interested functions. The algorithms will also recommend your events to the sponsors based on our build in functions.


Communicate the necessary detail & contracts with the Sponsors using our built in message and contracting functions.

Complete Transactions

Easily complete the transaction using our Integrated secured PayPal payment system.

Our Mission

To provide a platform where Event Organizers connect with Event Sponsors. Sponsor Spot will help Individuals or Group of Event organizers match with companies that are willing to sponsor events and help companies gain Media Exposure, Networking, Brand Awareness and Recognition, Generate New Sales and Form New Business Partnerships and Popularity.

© 2020 Sponsor Spot. All rights reserved. Designed by SponsorSpot.